Thursday 27 September 2007

Under pressure

Wow a startling realisation that at least 4 people read my blog!
So 4 people with less to do with their lives than me...

It's a weird sense of pressure knowing that this garbage is actually being read, is it interesting? Is it funny? Does my arse look fat in this blog? or something like that.

Now I always hoped it would be amusing for people to read even if the subject matter is rather dull and mostly about or stemming from depression, but I had no intention of trying to write a "funny" blog. So why then do know I have had it confirmed people do read here that I find myself with this little inner voice saying "must be funny" "must be funny".

Why do that, why is there is apparent urge when talking to people to be funny, more ironically why does somebody who has depression feel the need to be funny for everybody else? No fuck ya I'll continue to witter on being damn sure not to attempt any funny lines just for the sake of it, then if you do laugh I want you to remember your laughing at the life of somebody with depression so when my remains are found washed up on the shore, or hanging from a bridge I'll get the last laugh as you feel guilty you evil fucker.

By the way an Englishman, Irishman and Scotsman walk into a bar
the bartender says "What is this a joke?"

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