Tuesday 25 September 2007

10 things I hate about you (possible)

Despite being universally known as a grumpy old git, I actually think there are very few things I really hate in fact I can possible break it down into 10 different things. (Yeah okay I'm looking for a easy way to fill out today’s blog post)

1. Ignorance - The mother load and the one personality trait most likely to make me scream than any other. Now lets be clear what I mean as I don't see ignorance as just not knowing but as not knowing and not actually being willing to learn. Things are fine with this whiled the person just shuts the fuck up, but often they don't and they feel the need to inflict their ignorance on others, at the lighter end of this you have the people who ring IT helpdesks and use "I'm technophobic" as an excuse not to check a frigging plug socket and at the heavier end you have the bigots and racists set on their narrow minded little views and happy to sow hate because it fits their world view.

2. Insincerity - specially from people who do big displays of affection, without really meaning it, I might be wrong but if I don't care then I'm not going to waste my time or yours pretending I do - this also works great for getting rid of telesales people: Do you want to help Suffolk's earthquake victims No, not really But erm err oh..... Good-bye See done dusted and no prolonged guilt trip or hard sell for a charity that most likely do not exist.

3. The human race - Don't get me wrong I like people just not us as a race we're truly a twisted and useless bunch of wankers intent on survival at all costs and even the ones amongst us who do think they are trying to save the world are in their own way fucking it up.

4. Hypocrisy - I'm possible very overly sensitive to this but it annoys the shit out of me. People like Bono moaning about poverty when he has billions in the bank - where it is doing fuck all good to anybody even him.
People who sick booze down their throat almost nightly moaning about the evils of smoking weed and so on and so on.
People who preach how they good they are whiled fucking things over in a different aspect of their lives.

5. People who cannot separate opinion from fact, I'm sure there is a correct term for this but I'll be buggered if I know it.

6. Bullying - really this comes under ignorance but I thought I’d give it some proper attention, now I'm lucky despite being a nice kid who rarely indulged in bullying I myself was never bullied badly, oh there was a bit of it but despite being nice enough not to bully people I was nasty enough to just slug it out with people who tried it on me. Despite that I hate bullies more so the sort of bullies who don't grow out of it

7. Fox hunting - and not just the Tally ho hunting boys with their horses and dogs but anybody who hunts to kill for no reason other than pleasure. Now I do support the right to hunt and kill for food, shit I've even been known to hunt Trout and rabbits for the pot but I never kill more than I need, I always make sure the kill is quick and clean and more importantly I don't do it now you can buy decent well farmed meat in your local store. People who wish to take life for no reason other than they can are sick, especially when those brave hunters use packs of dogs to tear apart their victim to ease their bloodlust.

8. That last one leads me on to cruelty, people who abuse and neglect others seemingly just because they are either to stupid (again ignorance here) or to arrogant not to be the victim an animal, a child or another adult it makes by blood boil there is no need for it and the perpetrator should always be dealt with harshly - possible with the use of a small hammer and various parts of their body.

9. Tabloid scaremongering and the thick tossers who believe it, you know the stuff I mean
"Immigrants raise crime figure" - so crime figures don't rise anyway when the are monitoring more people?
"Police: We cant cope with the rise in immigrant crime" - Actually the Chief Constable of Cambridgeshire has said that her force are stretched when it comes to the language barrier that stops police communicating fully with witnesses and victims of crime who happen to be immigrants.

And it goes on and none not forgetting the wonderful "Political correctness gone mad" stories that grace the pages seemingly every week where there is nearly always a sensible reason for it but hell that doesn't make headlines. I'm currently running a sweepstake of which paper will be the first to print the yearly "so and so bans Christmas" headline.
For further discussion on this see here: http://www.mailwatch.co.uk/

10. And finally, no not myself despite depression I don't hate myself but I do hate when I am guilty of any of the above and it does happen from time to time sadly I'm not perfect.
Be lucky

1 comment:

DeeDubya said...

I love your blog. I can think of certain people who fit into virtually all of those categories.