Wednesday 19 September 2007

Wow what a weekend - part 3

30th Birthday

Okay not technically a day in the weekend but sod it I was having fun in London still.

Monday started with a slap up breakfast at the hotel followed by a trip to the natural history museum Which is somewhere I've always wanted to go but never got around to it. We spent a great couple of hours looking at dinosaur bones and stuffed animals was actually really interesting always loved that sort of stuff.

Next up was the Science Museum another one I've always wanted to do but never got around to it, was great fun seeing all the "super advanced" technology of the day like pong and the Sinclair zx spectrum. Not to mention a good reminder of how far we have moved on in some areas but how we still seem to stick with tried and tested methods in other things. Also the exhibition show casing the LHC experiment and the scientist involved in basically causing a second big bang in a controlled environment, potentially advancing our knowledge on how we got here by light years.

Following that we headed back to the exhibition centre to take in both the Dali and Picasso exhibitions, I'm a big fan of both artists so a chance to see their lesser known work was fantastic Dali's paintings based on the story of Romeo and Juliet are fantastic with incredible use of colour, likewise his sculptures maintain the air of surrealism portrayed by his paintings sometimes beautiful, sometimes weird but all seem to capture the imagination.

We finished the day off with a meal at Yo! Sushi which despite the name is a cracking Sushi restaurant that doesn't melt the pocket to much.

Okay sorry for the either the breif outlines or the massive posts devoid of moaning (which ever your currently moaning about) I'm back to reality now so no doubt normal service will ressume soon.

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