Wednesday 26 September 2007

The magnificence of twoddle

Bloody hell I seem to have rolled over the depression hump again and now seem quite cheerful for no apparent reason.

Though sadly I'm going to be forced to break the news to Deedub that I'm in a drinking mood and red wine will be consumed this weekend...

Now that doesn't seem a difficult does it, go to mates house, drink alcohol, fall over. Three simple steps even blokes can manage that one

But we fail

Oh we always manage to get together when planned, alcohol is always present but then we start talking, that's when things go completely to pot (no not the evil marijuana type either) hours roll past, beers go flat, wine gets forgotten, films selected after a great deal of debate are never introduced to the DVD player and the early hours of the morning creep up on us without the slightest hint of notice.

Truly mans ability to talk complete twoddle for hours on end is amazing and it isn't just deedub, same thing happens with Jim-bob and assorted others I must be a twoddle magnet, scary amounts of my life have vanished due to discussion on Englands history of tortured genius (One of Jims favourites) Star Wars and its place in history (that's a dee one) and other highly important topics.

Though of course over minor affairs rarely get an edge in like "what are we going to eat" or "So have you planned the Holiday yet", "How are we getting their exactly" trivial things that are really barely worth mentioning...

Oh I just know this weekends plans to discuss the following weeks Holiday are going to be so successful.....


DeeDubya said...

Ok then, we'll leave the holiday stuff to the bosses (ie the women) and discuss the finer points of Queen Amidala's wardrobe over a nice glass of red.

Anonymous said...

ahem! You're so spot on though, but what's funnier is for that at least half the time Sharon and I are having a different conversation!