Thursday 20 September 2007

Of lists and other things

Yes two posts in one day I am that bored, besides I've been meaning to rip off some of D's lists from for awhile so why not now.
Though we both have borrowed from which is another great blog, so no harm no foul :)

1. Gordan Ramsey - well somebody would have to cook
2. Charles Darwin - anybody that can upset the church as much as he did is worth inviting
3. Paul McCartney - I'm not a massive Beatles fan but I'm sure he would have some fantastic tales from back in the day, plus he doesn't seem as pretentious as Lennon.
4. George lucas - how did it feel the moment the film everybody wrote off suddenly go global and do you still give a smug smile to the studio execs who shunned Star Wars in the beginning, oh and what the fuck was Jar Jar Binks all about?
5. Simon Pegg - Genius pure and simple

1 comment:

lynneguist said...

I'm not quite sure what you think you stole off my blog--but I don't think you've stolen anything! (I've never done the fantasy dinner guest thing.)

Thanks for the link anyhow! :)