Friday 7 September 2007


Ha I vanish for a day and you all think I've given up already!

But no actually I'm currently feeling like shit with a migraine that has dragged on far longer than it needs to have, but sod it I only get a couple a year now so I'm not going to grumble.

Have I mentioned the passport issue? Just a little one to help you understand just how fecking useless I can be.

July -
Realise my passport is out of date so need to get a new one
Online form download doesn't work for some reason
Cambridge post office doesn't have the forms
Soham post office doesn't have the forms

Finally track down form after a 3 mile hike across Cambridge to find the temporary central post office
Get home realise I don't have the £66 needed for a new passport (£66!!! Prescot has found a new way to halt emigration make sure no fecker can afford to leave the country)
Fill in forms for passport renewal anyway

Between filling in forms and having the cash to actually get the forms to leave this country I lose the old Passport and get advice to complete a new passport request.
Great except Birth certificate that has been in the same place for 5 years has now vanished
5 phone calls and much screaming later I finally get told i don't need either the old Passport OR a birth certificate.
So hopefully now I might get a frigging holiday

Yep three months to sort out 1 passport I make ineptness an art form

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