Thursday 12 June 2008


Sometimes coming out of a dark spot is a slow gradual release, sometimes it just happens.
Today a lot of shit that has been loading me down suddenly feels lighter than it was because of one small realisation.

Its funny how that is often the way, now I know it isn't a depression thing as such because everybody has problems they have to deal with just possible depression creates more of this moments than normally would be the case.

So as it stands all my problems work, life, friends, family are all at a point where they need others to make a decision and act so really no point in me worrying about it yes in some cases it stands on a precipice and I know in my head I've decided how I'm going to handle things should they happen and some of those decisions are going to be painful but that's it its all reactionary so no point in stressing till it happens and once it does all I can be is me for whatever that costs.

I still worry about Dory but worry isn't helping her only being me can with help from her friends I'm sure it will all be fine, besides best thing I can do is be there for her and between you and me there is no where I would rather be.

So life my back has reached the wall and its fighting time bring it the fuck on

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