Tuesday 11 March 2008

Isn't it amazing how many times you have a conversation that goes "Oh did you hear so and so the other night"
"No they're shit"
"Oh have you heard them before then"

How the hell do people manage to form such a complete opinion on something with absolutely no experience of it? Its genius really wish I could do it. Would certainly save me hours of my life experiencing different music, films, people etc if I could just say no its shit and have people instantly respect my right to give that opinion and have it as valid as anybody else’s.

Well at least they don't wimp out and say "It just doesn't appeal" or "Not something that interests me really" heaven forbid they would spare anybody else’s feelings on the matter.

I'm feeling: Tired but happy

Media for the moment: Nirvana - Dumb

Today’s negative: Tired, keep trying to catch up with my sleep but it keeps getting away

Today’s Positive: Friends of mine are back from holiday and have been in touch.

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