Friday 12 September 2008

Only joking...

You know I often wonder if I'm kidding myself if really I'm tolerated instead of liked.

I'm not really sure if that thought displeases me because I must do something right just to be tolerated, nobody would tolerate somebody they don't like would they?

Erm I realise on reflection the questions a bit pointless as they aren't liable to read this, in fact who is reading this? As far as most of the people who use to are concerned this blog stopped without a trace a long time ago and I've yet to outwardly advertise that I'm running it again I should offer a prize to the first person who comments to say they are reading.

In fact there you go first person to comment on this blog gets a free piece of tat from my home, tis genius that should have you running to the comment box instantly.

On a similar note recent developments have lead to a musing again on the nature of friendships or at least my opinion of them. People do fucked up things including myself and my friends, sometimes my friends will do something I don't like whiled I will tell them of my dislike its not my job to judge them on it specially if their actions do not effect me. That's not to say I'd ignore blatant wrong doing but really if it doesn't concern me and they aren't making it my business then well its not my business.

Is that painfully naive?


Anonymous said...

Im reading it!!!
I thought it was gone! But ive just found it cunningly disguised in a full stop!
Sneaky :)

Now wheres my tat! ;-D

Vimes said...
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