Sunday 4 November 2007

Standing on the edge of control

So tomorrow I go for a scan to see or possible see what the hell is going on in my guts

now I'm really not sure what the middle ground in all this is, but I find myself praying for a stomach ulcer sounds shit doesn't it actually wanting an ulcer. But with the symptoms of attacks of extreme stomach pains and regular passing of blood (strange term passing, it's in me and it comes out where does the passing take place?) the doctor hasn't mentioned much other middle ground.

So we have the two extremes

They find nothing - great you say, but I've sailed this river and spent 5 years with repetitive migraines "Oh Mr Vimes we don't know what causes them so have new idea how to treat them. So just keep necking painkillers" then after 5 years of that shit "Oh lets try this stuff apparently it helps" Well done 9 pills later and my migraines are pretty much under control thanks to a product that has been on the market for 15 years. 5 years of constant fucking around.

They find Cancer - Symptoms are the same as my fathers when he was diagnosed and of course family history.

So either way it isn't looking good and will most likely mean a lot of fucking around

But in better news if we can find somewhere stocking a Wii we'll be buying one soon :)

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